Friday, December 11, 2009

Mac The Rabbit

Heid down working on Mac2, sequel to my Best Seller 'Mac the Rabbit'. All proceeds to Mossburn Animal Centre. Buy a copy when it's out in May- all money to a good cause.

"Mac could hear the sound of someone or something on the road. It was not footsteps he heard exactly, but a shuffling movement. He squinted through the roots and could see a shape at the edge of his vision. It was passing through the wood at the other side of the path, not walking but moving, like in mid air. Mac felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise."

Mac The Rabbit


Titus said...

Season's geetings to you for doing this, Mr McMillan.

hope said...

Is there anything you CAN'T do well? :)

At least I can say I know you...proudly.

Hugh McMillan said...

aye, hunerts

hope said...

I was told the other day that our Scottish lady will be asked to read the toast you provided on Dec. 21st.

I'll let you know how that goes. ;)

Bud said...

I stumbled on your blog today and gave it a good look. I'll come back.